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vol.23 número4Hellp síndrome. Presentación de un caso y revisión de la entidadQuiste de Mesenterio. Presentación de un caso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


ROMAN LOPEZ, Idalmis. Selective Mutism. Multimed [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.4, pp. 795-804. ISSN 1028-4818.

We describe a clinical case of a 12-year-old male adolescent, with a history of apparent physical health and without previous mental disorder, who attended a consultation of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist of the Rene Vallejo Ortiz Polyclinic through selective mutism. The psychometric tests show: average intelligence coefficient according to Weill of intelligence, Bender non-organicity; projective technique of the tree, the house and the person (HTP) projecting anxiety, little socialization, shyness, impulsiveness, aggressiveness; Inventory of juvenile problems (IPJ) alterations of the personal sphere. Rotter conflicts in the personal and social sphere. Depression test annotation 27 for moderate depression- anxiety test marked anxiety. In the treatment, behavioral therapies were combined (including desensitization, extinction and positive reinforcement techniques), cognitive-behavioral therapies, play therapy, family therapies and the use of psychotropic drugs.

Palabras clave : Mutism.

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