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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


GONZALEZ AGUILERA, Julio César  y  ARIAS ORTIZ, Armando. The giant African snail (Achatinafulica) and its effects on human health. Multimed [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.4, pp. 840-853. ISSN 1028-4818.


the giant African snail (CGA) or Achatinafulica is considered one of the one hundred most harmful invasive alien species in the world. Its main risk to human health results from the possibility of acting as a host of nematodes.


the CGA is the intermediate host of several parasites including Aelurostrongylusabstrusus, Angiostrongyluscantonensis, Angiostrongyluscostaricensis, Schistosomamansoni, Hymenolepisspp. And Fasciola hepatica. A. cantonesises is the main causative organism of eosinophilic meningitis (ME) and is a transmitting agent of the gram-negative bacterium Aeromonashydrophila. The most common clinical manifestations of ME include intense headache, nuchal rigidity, nausea, vomiting and paresthesias. The detection of eosinophils in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and peripheral blood contribute to its diagnosis. Treatment in severe forms of EM is based on the use of corticosteroids and serial lumbar punctures for CSF removal. The use of anthelmintics is controversial.


the presence of the giant African snail in Cuba increases the risk of diseases. The appearance of clinical manifestations of the central nervous system imposes the need to inquire about the exposure to this mollusk and demand the search for signs and symptoms of eosinophilic meningitis. In the future, controlled and randomized studies on the efficacy of drugs for the treatment of the disease, including anthelmintics, need to be developed.

Palabras clave : Giant African snail; Achatina Fulica; Eosinophilic meningitis; Angiostrongylus cantonensis.

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