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Revista Información Científica

versión On-line ISSN 1028-9933


GONZALEZ-SOSA, Gabriel. Giant gastric bezoar. Presentation of case. Rev. inf. cient. [online]. 2021, vol.100, n.4  Epub 24-Jun-2021. ISSN 1028-9933.

A 48-year-old female presented to gastroenterologist consultation with epigastralgia, heartburn, and sensation of postprandial gastric fullness even when she only could intake meal in small proportion. She had a history of hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and cardiac arrhythmias, depressive neurosis associated to the ingestion, daily and since several years, of foreign bodies. She was used to chewing fragments of polyfoam, which she diluted them in gasoline in order to mold them, soften them and ingests them afterwards. An endoscopy procedure was used, which revealed, at the entrance of the gastric lumen, a giant bezoar of hard mass, smooth surface, non-movable, with approximately 6-7 cm size and occupying almost 50% of the gastric lumen region corresponding to the gastric body and fundus, and extending to the antrum. Attemps for removal the mass, endoscopically, were unsuccessful, so surgery was performed and it was removed successfully. The patient had a favorable postoperative evolution and was discharged 7 days after surgery, with outpatient follow-up and ambulatory medical treatment.

Palabras clave : foreign bodies; gastric bezoar; fragments of polyfoam.

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