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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


CACERES DIEGUEZ, Aglae  y  CRUZ BARANDA, Silvia Sofía. Professional self-improvement in the Primary Health care: a didactic strategy for healthy lifestyles. MEDISAN [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.1, pp. 130-137. ISSN 1029-3019.

It is our objective to expose a general didactic strategy of developing post degree professional self improvement, through the investigation-action method, with the purpose of propitiating favorable transformations of the Cuban population's lifestyles and it is explained how to implement it. After being adapted to the formation needs of the participants to obtain this goal by means of the appropriation and social application of knowledge as a skill unifier, it is aimed at creating positive attitudes-through convictions-at modifying inadequate behaviors, at creating mechanisms to achieve a considerable health, at forming or consolidating values, as well as making possible the intellectual and social development to improve the professional performance. It is sustained in the dynamics of didactic conception by means of a self-improvement intervention directed to the primary care professionals to transform the population's lifestyles that can be improved. Either the teaching, social and cultural actions or the social health interventions are based on the integration of elements outlined by known authors, among whom there are: Rojas, Fuillerat, Ferrer, Rodríguez-Ojea and Castell-Florit.

Palabras clave : didactic strategy; post degree professional self-improvemnet; lifestyles; professional performance; social health intervention; primary health care.

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