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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


BARRETO ARGILAGOS, Guillermo et al. Leptospirosis reservoirs in Camagüey: two results and a same database . MEDISAN [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.10, pp. 2097-3002. ISSN 1029-3019.

The objective of the work was to establish the reliability of the variable number of samples and proportion of positive reactors by species for the study of the domestic animals as leptospirosis reservoirs in Camagüey. A database was made with the reactors to Leptospira from the sanguine serums of 2 659 bovine, 2 617 equine, 814 swinish, 75 ovines-caprines and 69 canines of the province. According to the number of samples, the results gave to bovine (43%) and equine (41%) as hegemonic reactors; swinish (13%), canine (1%) and ovine-caprines (1%) showed a very inferior behavior. In function of the proportion of reactors by species, bovine, swinish, canine and horses prevailed homogeneously (P<0,05) contrary to ovine-caprine. Horses dedicated to the urban transportation constituted a potential risk for the human being

Palabras clave : domestic animal; maintenance host; Leptospira; zoonosis.

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