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Correo Científico Médico

versión On-line ISSN 1560-4381


INFANZON LORENZO, Nirian Eliza et al. Gender Violence at General Hospital Polana Cañizo, Maputo, Mozambique. ccm [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.4, pp. 607-617. ISSN 1560-4381.

Introduction: violence against women and girls includes physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse. It generally reffers to a"gender-based" violence developed by the subordinate status of women in society. Objective: to characterize gender violence at the Polana Cañizo Hospital, according to sociodemographic and biomedical variables. Method: cross-sectional study at the Polana Cañizo General Hospital, Maputo province, Mozambique was carried out, from January to June 2017. Sample were 217 victims, and the universe were 1,555 attended at the Center of Attention to Victims of Violence (CAVV) of this area. The information was collected from the official model of Violence Cases Notification Cards held by the Ministry of Health of Mozambique. Results: the group from 24 to 29 years old was the most affected by domestic violence with 57.61%. Housewives and students represented 64.98% and 23.96% each. Both suffered the greatest violence. Single women predominated with 67.75%. Most of the attacks occurred at home with 68.67% were physical up to 85.71%. Conclusions: physical violence predominated in young housewives single women, inside their homes. It is recommended to develop intervention strategies for the prevention of violence against women.

Palabras clave : violence against women; women; domestic violence; battered women; Mozambique.

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