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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3003


Factores de riesgo en la infección protésica vascular. Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol [online]. 2000, vol.38, n.1, pp. 29-36. ISSN 1561-3003.

We conducted a study for identifying the risk factors for vasular prosthetic infections. We carried out a biostatistical analysis using logistic regression, Chi-square test, and relative risk estimations. Risk factors found were post-operative femoral thrombectomy occlusion, diabetes mellitus, arteriography by Seldinger method, and femoral anastomosis in the inguinal region. They were considered independent variables for infections in vascular protheses. In a multivariate analysis, the 4 risk fcators showed a relative risk over 1 with significant values (p 0,05). In a univariate, detected risk factors kept the same structure and the same statistical results were found. The outcome of the study was as follows: infested protheses, 12 of 318 protheses (3.8 %), femoral anastomosis, 281 of 318 (88 %); diabetes, 12 of 318 (4 %); femoral arteriography, 39 of 318 (12 %); femoral thrombectomy, 23 of 318 (7 %); aortic enteric fistulae, 2 of 318 (0.6 %); amputations due to sepsis, (0.3 %) and early mortality from prosthetic sepsis, 4 (1 %). We agreed with the world literature as to the prophylactic use of antimicrobial agents. We set forth the main measures to be considered for the profilaxis of vascular prosthetic infections.


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