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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3003


BEMBIBRE TABOADA, Rubén; SOTO CANTERO, Alejandro  y  LOPEZ REGUEIRO, Teresa. SIDA: Estudio en dos provincias cubanas. Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol [online]. 2000, vol.38, n.1, pp. 43-47. ISSN 1561-3003.

We undertook a retrospective and descriptive study of 193 AIDS cases in the Cuban provinces os Villa Clara and Cienfuegos from January 1985 to January to find out the impac of the epidemics on the studied region. We checked medical records and applied some forms to gather data such as sex, age, way of infection, sex habits, evolution, municipality and cause of death. Data were computed by Arian method and graphics were made using Harvard Graphics; also Chi-square statistical significance method was used. One-hundred and fifty-seven cases in Villa Clara and 36 in Cienfuegos were reported; the most affected municipality was Santa Clara; 43 people died and the main causes of death were Pneumocystis carinii pheumonia and neurotoxoplasmosis. The youngest in the adult population were the most affected, with a strong relationship between sex practices and the development of the disease.

Palabras clave : ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFIENCY SYMDROME [epidemiology]; HIV.

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