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Revista Cubana de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular

versión On-line ISSN 1682-0037


CABRERA ZAMORA, José Luís. Risk factors and the cerebrovascular disease. Rev Cubana Angiol Cir Vasc. [online]. 2014, vol.15, n.2, pp. 75-88. ISSN 1682-0037.

Introduction: artherosclerosis is a disease of multiple origins. The epidemiologic studies have shown a series of common characteristics in those individuals that suffer it, which are called atherothrombotic risk factors and defined as statistical predictors of illness. Objective: to describe the behaviour of the cardiovascular risk factors in cerebrovascular diseases. Methods: a literature review on risk factors was made in MedLine, Hinari, Cochrane, Academic Google, and LILACS, using the keywords risk factors, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular illness and carotid disease. Prospective, retrospective, clinical and epidemiological cohort studies as well as literature reviews and clinical assays were consulted. Information synthesis: the search found full agreement in terms of the classical risk factors for the cerebrovascular illness. They were presented by their incidence and prevalence rates in the following order: age, hypertension, dyslipidemia smoking, diabetes mellitus, obesity, alcoholism among others. There was consensus about the importance of prevention and control of these factors through therapeutic interventions that could reduce their impact on the population. Conclusions: the risk factors of major relevance for the cerebrovascular disease were hypertension and smoking, which can be modified to bring about a reduction in high disability and mortality rates.

Palabras clave : atherothrombotic risk factors; atherosclerosis; cerebrovascular illnesses; carotid disease.

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