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Revista Cubana de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular

versión On-line ISSN 1682-0037


SANCHEZ RAMIREZ, Lauren et al. Bacterial germs frequently isolated in phlebostatic ulcers of admitted patients. Rev Cubana Angiol Cir Vasc [online]. 2021, vol.22, n.1  Epub 15-Abr-2021. ISSN 1682-0037.


Phlebostatic ulcers are an important pathology in daily medical practice at all levels of care; after pain and edema, lower limb ulcers are the third most common problem in angiology consultations.


Characterize frequently isolated bacterial germs in the phlebostatic ulcers of admitted patients.


A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was conducted in 60 patients admitted due to a diagnosis of phlebostatic ulcers from July 2016 to June 2017. It was made a microbiological cultivation of the lesion with the respective antibiogram to all the patients. Variables were taken into account, like: type of phlebostatic ulcer, isolated bacterial germs, antibiotics tested in vitro and antibiotic sensitivity pattern. The absolute and relative frequencies were calculated.


A predominance of varicose ulcers (67%) was found. The most isolated bacterial germ was Pseudomasspp. (41.7%), and it was more often in varicose ulcers than in post-thrombotic ulcers (47.5% vs. 30%). The best percentages of in vitro sensitivity were shown against the following antibiotics: Clindamycin (100%), Tobramycin (79.2%), Ciprofloxacin (78.4%), Amikacin (68.4%), Cotrimoxazol (68.2%), Cefepime (67.6%), Doxycycline (66.7%), Chloramphenicol (60%), Meropenem (62.1%), Penicillin G (57%), Aztreonam (55.9%).


Pseudomasspp. was the most isolated bacterial germ in patients with varicose and post-thrombotic ulcers; in addition, sensitivity was present in 11 of the 23 antibiotics that were tested in vitro in more than 50% of the isolates they faced.

Palabras clave : Phlebostatic ulcer; varicose ulcers; post-thrombotic ulcers; bacterial germs; antimicrobial.

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