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Revista Médica Electrónica

versión On-line ISSN 1684-1824


DIAZ LIMA, Mariela et al. Subungual melanoma: a diagnostic challenge for doctors. Rev.Med.Electrón. [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.2, pp. 3279-3288.  Epub 30-Abr-2021. ISSN 1684-1824.

Subungual melanoma is a subgroup of lentiginous acral melanoma. It is often diagnosed in an advanced stage by a shortage of symptoms, so timely evaluation and treatment improve prognosis. This is the case of a 44-year-old patient who goes to orthopedics with melanonichia 3 months of evolution. He had been treated for a bruise secondary to direct trauma to the distal phalanx of the first left foot ailre in primary health care. It was followed by external orthopedic consultation and by not following an adequate evolution was evaluated by the provincial commission of peripheral tumors. He was given a punch biopsy resulting in a subungual melanoma. The amputation of the first artejo and proximal first metatarsal was carried out, once verified the non-existence of metastatic lesions, with excellent aesthetic and functional result, without showing relapse in its follow-up to two years.

Palabras clave : melanoma; melanonichia; lentiginous acral melanoma; amputation.

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