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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica

versión On-line ISSN 1684-1859


NUNEZ MATUREL, Lissette; REYES DIXSON, Yusnier; ALVAREZ ZALDIVAR, Yaimara  y  GONZALEZ TORRES, María de los A. Selection of antivirus products. A current view from the health sector in Cuba. RCIM [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.2, pp. 140-150. ISSN 1684-1859.

The selection of antivirus can sometimes be a tedious job because of the wide range of varieties available in the market. This work provided a current overview of the major antivirus used in the Cuban health system. A literature review to extract and summarize the main points made on this topic. General guidelines and recommendations that can be taken into account before selecting a specific antivirus product is provided. It was suggested that the selection of the best antivirus depend on the technical conditions that are running, your authorization in the health sector and the preferences held by the final user.

Palabras clave : computer viruses; antivirus; comparing antivirus; best antivirus.

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