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versión On-line ISSN 1727-897X


CHAVEZ AMARO, Dunia María; CASANOVA GONZALEZ, María Felicia  y  CAPOTE PADRON, Jorge Luis. Anti-pneumococcal vaccination in Cuba. Challenges. Medisur [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.1, pp. 156-159. ISSN 1727-897X.

Medicine development has shown the need of preventing transmissible diseases by means of Vaccines. After a description of the role of pneumococcus in the origin of diseases, a career towards preventing them was started. In the current century, the first conjugated vaccine was certified against Streptococcus pneumonia to be used in children. In Cuba, in spite of the efforts, the anti-pneumococcal vaccine has not been introduced and for more of a decade time scientists have been working in a heptavalent conjugated vaccine, currently in an advanced clinical evaluation. In this work, considerations in this regard are made.

Palabras clave : Heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; vaccination; streptococcus pneumoniae.

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