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versión On-line ISSN 1729-8091


RIVERA DOMINGUEZ, Oseiby; GUZMAN MIRANDA, Omar  y  CABALLERO RODRIGUEZ, Tamara. The cultural capital of the family in the social development of the child. EduSol [online]. 2024, vol.24, n.87, pp. 111-126.  Epub 15-Abr-2024. ISSN 1729-8091.

The socialization process of the autistic child is fundamental for his development as an individual. The purpose of the research was to analyze within this process, the relationship of the cultural capital incorporated in the families about different disorders that mark autism and the social development of the child. It is a triangular study where qualitative and quantitative techniques were used. The results indicate that the different dimensions of autism incorporated in the cultural capital of families are elements that intervene through appropriate actions in the positive development of the autistic child's socialization.

Palabras clave : Socialization; Dimensions; Action; Education; Autism.

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