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versión On-line ISSN 1814-151X


GONZALEZ-HERNANDEZ, Nolbert; ROJAS-VELAZQUEZ, Osvaldo Jesús  y  CRUZ-RAMIREZ, Miguel. A didactic method to promote the posing and solving of problems in the initial training of Mathematics teachers. Luz [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.3, pp. 174-187.  Epub 15-Sep-2023. ISSN 1814-151X.

In the present research, a didactic procedure is applied in order to develop the teaching-learning process of posing and solving mathematical problems. In this sense, the development of the didactic method had two stages: one related to the initial improvement, based on expert criteria, and another that implies partial implementation, based on activities of posing and solving problems in the classroom, through the use of visualization as a heuristic method. As a result, a high consensus value is obtained when consulting experts, and significant results are found in the use of this didactic procedure. Consequently, it is concluded that the didactic method elaborated to develop the teaching-learning process of posing and solving mathematical problems is feasible.

Palabras clave : didactic model; mathematical visualization, posing and solving of problems.

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