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Ingeniería Industrial

versión On-line ISSN 1815-5936


LEAL-PUPO, Alejandro et al. Diagnostic procedure and improvement of seven Leadership and Management Capabilities. Ing. Ind. [online]. 2022, vol.43, n.1, pp. 119-138.  Epub 17-Feb-2022. ISSN 1815-5936.

In this work, the proposal of the seven direction and business management capacities is made that from a more comprehensive perspective allows companies to be evaluated. These capacities respond to: management of the general direction, management of the development and sustainability of the company, operations management, financial economic management, human resources management, logistics management, marketing management. The design of a diagnostic and improvement procedure of the 7 Direction and Business Management Capabilities is exposed, which includes 4 phases and 11 activities. The results of the diagnosis are evaluated in the Cuban Marble Company belonging to the Business Group of Construction Materials and Products, and in the Small Cattle Company (EGAME) belonging to the Livestock Business Group, carrying out a detailed analysis of the elements of lower performance that they are necessary to take into account for the projection of improvement actions.

Palabras clave : organizational capabilities; management systems; company; capabilities diagnosis.

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