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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7696


BERDAYES VIVES, Aniuska; LINARES RIO, Mayenny  y  DIAZ CABEZA, Idania. Characterization of the evaluation process of Professional Improvement in the English Language. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2022, vol.20, n.3, pp. 878-891.  Epub 02-Sep-2022. ISSN 1815-7696.

Assessment is an invaluable source of necessary and reliable information to determine those elements of the teaching practice that may affect the teaching learning process, so as adjust it, in a way that favors the learning self-regulation of the medical professionals about a language they need to complement their professional training from the academic and scientific view points. So, the objective of this article is to characterize the process of evaluation of the professional training in English, so as to verify the present limitation and thus direct the researching process towards its solution. A study supported by the dialectical materialist method was conducted. Theoretical methods such as: (logical historical analysis, inductive-deductive; modelling and others, and empirical methods, such as (documentary analysis, observation, and surveys) were used to determine the essence of the object and organize the research results. Theoretical elements of the professional training assessment process were systematized for its conceptualization and determination of its four dimensions from which indicators the empiric instruments were elaborated and which results allowed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the object of study; difficulties in the process of assessment of the professional training in English that limit the adjustment and quality of the English professional training process and the idiomatic training of the medical professionals were evident.

Palabras clave : profiling; evaluation process; professional training in English; regulation; self-regulation of learning.

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