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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7696


SILARAYAN RUIZ, Liliana Abelina; DE LA CRUZ VILA, Rosario del Pilar; BRAVO GUEVARA, Dalia Rosa  y  CABALLERO MONTERO, Beatriz Hortencia. The use of Facebook as a pedagogical tool to improve reading comprehension in Higher Education. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2022, vol.20, n.3, pp. 892-905.  Epub 02-Sep-2022. ISSN 1815-7696.

Before the pandemic, reading was developed through printed texts; however, when virtual education was established, especially at the University level, it required a change in the teaching learning process. This situation raised new expectations regarding the reading of multimodal texts and the interaction of a social network: Facebook. The purpose of this research was to identify the levels of reading comprehension, in the exit exam with the application of multimodal texts in a social network. The research was developed with a qualitative approach, with an exploratory quasi-experimental and descriptive scope. The method used was inductive. The sample consisted of 186 students distributed in three sections (A, B and C) of the first cycle of a private university. They were subjected to two reading comprehension evaluations: beginning (traditional objective test) and exit (test with multimodal texts uploaded on a social network). The findings showed that the exit test with multimodal texts in digital support (Facebook) showed that the students reached a satisfactory level in the three levels of reading comprehension. In conclusion, the use of multimodal texts in a social network facilitated a new way of student interaction with reading.

Palabras clave : assessment; Facebook; reading; comprehension levels; multimodal text.

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