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Podium. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física

versión On-line ISSN 1996-2452

Rev Podium vol.19 no.2 Pinar del Río mayo.-ago. 2024  Epub 05-Ago-2024


Original article

Organizational structure for Mas Holding Boxing Club, Sri Lanka

0000-0003-3465-3838Dushan Lalisha Kahatapitiya1  *  , 0009-0003-6306-2110Nereyda Piñeiro Suárez1 

1Universidad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte "Manuel Fajardo". La Habana, Cuba.


In the MAS Holding Boxing Club, in Sri Lanka, there are insufficiencies in the relationships between the organizational areas of the current structure and with it, little coherence of strategic actions to achieve the objectives of the sports institution; this is manifested in the poor stability of competitive results nationally and internationally, the above, associated with the fact that the organizational structure responds to very pragmatic and utilitarian criteria, is insufficient and has become a barrier that prevents creatively assuming the changes in the environment. The research aims to determine the components of a structure for the sports management of the MAS Holding Boxing Club, Sri Lanka. The result is in the theoretical conception of the organizational structure for the Mas Holding Boxing Club that responds to the legal, political and administrative foundations of the country, and responds to the demands for changes for the development of sporting activity. This structure is supported by principles such as efficiency, dynamic, flexible and innovative character and subject to change, depending on the scenarios presented to boxing.

Key words: organizational design; sports club; organizational structure.


The changes that occur in the socioeconomic context globally have a significant impact on the performance of different organizations, which shows the need for their redirection to provide efficient responses to the demands of increasingly demanding clients.

However, this process is complex given that organizations are made up of individuals who play different roles within them, their organizational culture has been strengthened and with this, an image supported by shared values has been formed and the role of the organization has been consolidated in such a way, that the move towards new ways of doing and the modification of acting, depending on the changes and challenges of the context and the clients, requires internalization and understanding on the part of each member. This is where science plays an important role in seeking possible alternatives that lead to change in the organization.

It is considered necessary to carry out an analysis of the organization as a whole that allows it to be redesigned to meet the demands that arise. In this case, it is started from the structure since it generates an order of the organization, it is where the activities carried out are identified and classified, the departments or work groups are specified and authority is assigned.

In the context of sports organizations, the stability of the structures of the different organizational forms is evident; however, in many countries where private property prevails, few national sports organizations are structured enough to face the challenges represented by a professional sports environment, with promoters and strong influence of the mass media, where each of them tries to impose and take control of the promotional and commercial activities of sporting events.

This situation has been confirmed indiscriminately in informal interviews with the directors of the Mas Holding Boxing Club of Sri Lanka, a non-profit organization created by a businessman to promote the practice of said sport, as well as extend the benefits of this sport activity to various places in the aforementioned country. The way in which the club organization is structured responds to practical criteria, that is, based on experiences associated with the company that budgets for the operation of the organization; hence the question arises: how to structure the Mas Holding Boxing Club of Sri Lanka as a basic sports organization?

Research related to similar problems refers to the fact that each organization works in a different way, since each one adopts the organizational structure that helps it achieve its goals and objectives and from this it must plan the entire process, delimit the functions of each individual that makes up the organization, defines positions and responsibilities, as well as specifies the human capital it requires (Quiroa, 2020).

Therefore, the organizational structure has a high significance for promoting change towards new ways of doing, since it adequately identifies its mission and social purpose, provides order and a certain way to direct, the ability to differentiate tasks and internal functioning, the delimitation of responsibilities and identification of internal and external lines of communication, among others (Idem).

The sciences of scientific management provide important elements to specify the most appropriate organizational structure, depending on the type of organization and/or institution. It was found that, historically, these studies have evolved in correspondence with certain eras or periods and there are references to different approaches that respond to positions or conceptions specific to those periods, which facilitates the understanding of the type of organizational structure that is assumed. The classical, technological, environmental and size reduction approaches in tasks are identified (Brume, 2019).

In light of the general theory of systems (1940), changes are evident in the conception and interpretation of organizations and institutions. This vision considers the organization as an organically living system, in which endogenous factors interact with exogenous ones on which inputs (raw materials, personnel, processes, etc.) produce outputs (services, goods, etc.). The influence of the general systems theory is manifested in the criteria of Daft (2010) that synthetically declares organizations as social entities that have goals, and these can be achieved from a system of structured and coordinated activities, in deliberately linked to the environment. It can be inferred from this idea that organizations are complex entities and that their relationship with the environment poses demands and needs for permanent adaptation.

The change in the structure of the organization is decided by the senior management of the institution; these decisions are usually the result of a diagnosis of multiple factors, including organizational culture, power, political behaviors, the design of positions of an organization, the context, the communication system, the relationships with other organizations and/or institutions, the role it plays in society and national and international regulations.

It is the authors' opinion that organizational design constitutes a factor of competitive advantage for the organization, which is why it requires it to be prepared in a professional manner with theoretical, methodological foundations and practical foundations that generate added value to the organization. Therefore, through organizational design, the various units of an organization are structured, orderly and synergistically (Louffat, 2017).

For Strategor (1995), the structure is the set of functions and relationships that formally determine the functions that each unit must fulfill and the mode of communication between each unit. Mintzberg (1995) points out that the structure is the set of all the ways in which work is divided into different tasks, and the subsequent coordination of these, since he considers the organizational structure an intentional structure of roles, where each person assumes a role that it is expected to deliver the highest possible performance.

According to Hall (1996), organizational structure is the arrangement of the parts of the organization. In the case of Hodge (2003), he considers that the structure must be contingent, that is, it must be able to adapt to each situation of the organization and to the changes of the members, among others; therefore, the structure of an organization should never be fixed. When assessing the current context, this researcher considers that every organization faces the challenges of achieving good management in a changing global environment, seeking a design and structuring in accordance with its aspirations, being competitive, reducing complexity and improving the reaction to changes in the environment, as well as assuming ethical and moral management that identifies it.

On his part, Chiavenato (2007) defines the organizational structure as the set of relatively stable elements that are related in time and space to form a totality. For the authors of this work, the different criteria addressed have common points such as:

  • The organizational structure has a graphic representation (Organigram).

  • Relationships, functions, division of labor, hierarchy and channels of authority are required.

  • Organizational structure refers to the internal organization.

  • They constitute intentional organizations of roles.

  • The structures are diverse, they depend on their breadth, the objective, their social function, as well as the policies to which they respond.

Theoretical references on the types of structures agree that they can be linear (related to the levels of authority and centralized decision), horizontal (top management closer to front-line workers), functional (orders and groups people with similar positions), divisional (organized by a type of product), matrix (divides the work system) and central (they are more complex).

The selection of any of the aforementioned structures responds to its relevance, in correspondence with the organization in question and one cannot be considered better than the other, because they are interrelated when taking into account the corporate purpose, the magnitude, the characteristics, resources, objectives and type of organization, among other factors.

In the sports context, it is agreed with Acosta (2005) on an important problem associated with organizational structures when he specifies that few national sports organizations, whether multi-sport or a specific sport, have clearly defined their role or have precisely identified their image and its objectives. These organizations have not unambiguously established their program of activities to optimize their effectiveness, both individually and collectively, in a given time.

Associated with the different sports organizations that exist and their functioning, Segredo (2016) points out that these are classified in correspondence with the objectives assigned to them: financial resources, systems resources and human resources and they have to be constantly change, seek continuous updating, by inducing the new restructuring of the organization in accordance with internal and external changes.

The club constitutes a type of sports organization, defined by Montero & Del Toro (2005) as the set of human, material, technological and financial resources that interact to achieve certain objectives, a component of the organizational system that directly guarantees the practice of physical and sports activities. It is where the practice is verified, where the service of physical activity and sport is produced.

Due to the above, the objective of this research is to determine the organizational structure for the Mas Holding Boxing Club, in Sri Lanka, taking into account the need to achieve better results in the different competitions.


The research was carried out in the context of master's and doctoral studies, between 2016 and 2023, at the “Comandante M. Fajardo” University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences, Havana. The studies are focused on the Mas Holding Boxing Club of Sri Lanka, referring in the first part to the reorganization of human capital (master's degree) and in the second part (doctorate) to the reorganization of the organizational structure of said club. At the same time, it constitutes research of interest to the organization's senior management. It is a descriptive research, given the depth of the study. No exclusion criteria were applied, given the intentional nature.

The participating population was made up of the six administrators who run the club, in which one works as director, two are officials and three are coaches. Significant is that 100 % are male, in addition, more than 80 % have between six and more than 10 years of experience as a manager, while the professional category is equal to 50 % of the technical and university categories. It was found that managers who have the technical category have the most experience in this work (Figure 1).

Fig. 1.  - Characterization of the club's administrators 

The 123 athletes affiliated with the Club MAS Holdings Boxing Club were part of the population in the research, of which 81 male boxers and 42 female boxers. They were distributed according to performance, the best 30 men and the best 20 women were placed in a first level within the club and the rest, both men and women, in a development place. This is shown in the figure below (Figure 2):

Fig. 2.  - Distribution by sex of the boxing athletes of the MAS Holdings Club of Sri Lanka 

The methods were selected based on the operationalization of the variable to be investigated, that is, after the theoretical and practical analysis, among the theoretical ones, the analysis and synthesis, the logical historical, the theoretical modeling and the systemic approach were used. Among the empirical methods, document review, observation, interview testimony, specialist criteria and user criteria were used, which made it possible to obtain information about the current state of the problem and determine the population's perception of the investigated object. In addition, the descriptive statistics was used to process the information provided by empirical methods, this made it possible to specify the arithmetic mean, the use of statistical graphs and modal behavior (Table 1).

Table 1.  - Operationalization of the organizational structure variable. Dimensions and indicators 

Dimensions Indicators
General operation Defined strategic projection (Clear objectives and well-defined tasks).
Existence of a common and participatory work project.
Coordination of activities based on strategic objectives
Projection of dialogue and collaboration within the team of workers.
Possibilities for participation of all members in the life of the organization.
Existence of material, technological and financial resources that guarantee proper functioning
Work addresses Climate in which training and work groups in general take place.
Organization and availability of economic and material resources
Configuration of work groups
Projection of work groups to implement new ways of working
Efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's meeting system
Recognition and incentive for the work done
Strengthening science as the foundation of the organization's work system
Work/training groups Participation of members of the organization in tasks.
Influence of the group on decision making in the organization
Clarification and collective reflection on the goals or objectives of the organization
Efficiency in fulfilling the functions of each group
Dynamics of group meetings based on proposing solutions.
Degree of compliance with the agreements made in the meetings

The observation: a guide was applied that aimed to assess the behavior of the relationships between managers and members of the club, as well as the existing structure and its operation, through the different areas or departments. The scale to evaluate the criteria was qualitative in nature (yes-no-not very appropriate). To obtain the information, it was decided to apply the instrument on alternate days and twice a week, for 15 days, this made it possible to specify the criteria and their modal behavior (Table 2).

Table 2.  - Observation Guide 

Criteria Not very suitable Yeah No Observations
Existence of the organization's organizational chart. - - - -
The hierarchy of relationships between areas or departments is determined. - - - -
Internal regulations of the organization. - - - -
Defined work areas and their functions. - - - -
Informational site about the organization and its objectives. - - - -
Defined technical management committee. - - - -
Predominantly management style. - - - -
Manifestation of the relationships between managers and members of the organization. - - - -
Organizational behavior of the organization. - - - -

The testimonial interview: it was carried out with the president of the club Mr. Dian Gómez, with the objective of knowing the origins of the club, the organization's work system, its corporate purpose and the organizational structure, as well as his opinion on the latter. The request to apply this instrument was sent to you in advance and the aspects indicated were made known to you. To obtain the information, a tape recorder was used and it was transcribed.

Document review: it was intentionally considered to review the following documents:

  • Constitution of the Republic of Sri Lanka.

  • Strategic Planning of the MAS Holdings Club of Sri Lanka, for the sports training of the stages (2013-2016, 2017-2022).

  • Organizational system of the MAS Holdings Club of Sri Lanka, its structure and functions.

  • Minutes of the Club's Technical-Directive Council (2013-2016, 2017-2022).

Methodological triangulation (in this case inter-method): with the purpose of determining not only the occasional occurrence of something, but also differentiating or distinguishing the causality of the evidence, the results derived from different sources (the survey, the interview and the analysis of documents) this allowed, through an inductive inferential process, to give objectivity to the information collected, from the comparison and crossing of the data obtained from various sources (Feria et al., 2019).


The research setting is the MAS Holdings Club of Sri Lanka, the main nucleus that leads to 12 branches. As part of the process, a group of general data related to the club's main managers was obtained, six in total: one works as a director, two are officials and three are coaches.

100% are male, more than 80% have between six and more than 10 years of experience as a manager, while the professional category is equal to 50% of technical and university level. This information highlights that managers who have the technical category have the most experience in this work.

An important fact is that the MAS Holdings Boxing Club has 123 boxing athletes affiliated, of which 81 male boxers and 42 female boxers. They are distributed by performance, the best 30 men and the best 20 women are placed in a club place and the rest, both men and women, in a development place.

In observation, the observation guide is applied on alternate days and twice a week, for 15 days, this allows us to specify the criteria with the greatest difficulties and their modal behavior.

The results are as follows: nine criteria to be observed were determined, of which six are not suitable and one has not been worked on. The other two do not show any difficulties.

Criteria one and two have no difficulties, while in the remaining ones, the following situation was observed:

  1. Internal regulations of the organization. No-No, it has not been prepared because we do not have personnel with sufficient training for it.

  2. Defined work areas and their functions. Inadequate -The areas are specified, but not the functions, so they intertwine between the areas.

  3. Informational site about the organization and its objectives. Inadequate - Information is evident, but in the areas, not in a general way.

  4. Defined technical management committees. Not very adequate -They do not have systematic functionality; their functioning is insufficient to adopt solutions.

  5. Predominantly management style. Not very suitable -Proactive nature, short-term solutions, functional vision, generally routine solutions, small-scale changes, short-term decisions.

  6. Manifestation of the relationships between managers and members of the organization. Not very appropriate -Although these relationships are manifested, it is appreciated that there is a distinction for this.

  7. Organizational behavior of the organization. Not very adequate -The system of relationships shows an identity among the members of the club, a behavior that identifies the culture of this organization: identity, responsibility and commitment.

The results of the document review lead to determining that the organizational structure that the club has is ineffective, very simple and the responsibility of each area and its decision-making levels are not specified, this is evidenced by the fact that decisions are made at the level of the main managers, which affects the low sports results from a competitive point of view and little vision for the selection of participation in high-level competitions, carried out based on personal criteria, a fact verified through criteria of the managers of said organization.

Likewise, the regulations and indications for sports organizations established in the Constitution of the Republic of Sri Lanka are complied with. The lack of orientation towards the objective and basic needs that affect the performance of coaches towards their athletes is evident. Regarding the sports training planning process, it is not carried out in accordance with the characterization of the type of competition in which the club's athletes are expected to participate, both for the year and for the four-year period, and are not analyzed in the minutes of the technical bodies. nor in those of the club's board of directors.

The level of knowledge of the coaches about the sports training management process is insufficient, it is not conceived as the fundamental activity of the club, in particular what is related to the role of the organization of the structure to guarantee the participation of athletes in the different competitions, this element shows the little treatment given to the analysis of the quality of sports training.

Difficulties were detected in the minutes of the club's technical management council and especially those directed at the sports training process and organizational structure, among them, sports training that is not organized in correspondence with the characteristics of the competitions in which the athletes must participate and are not analyzed by the technical body, the areas or departments show a lack of coordination for the organization of actions to support the main functions, the activities of each area or department do not satisfy the needs for the development of the activities that are programmed, the decisions are made deliberately by the directors, management or management of the club, who determine the participation of the athletes in the different competitions.

As results of the testimony interview with the president of the club Mr. Dian Gómez; the criterion related to the origins and motivation to form The MAS Holding Boxing Club is known to be a family business and has branches in India and Sri Lanka. Its fundamental purpose is the production of women's underwear for recognized brands. In the specific case of this research, it is framed in the branch located in Sri Lanka.

This non-profit company, founded in 1999, is directed by a former boxer who, given his love for this sport, has sponsored boxing for years and has provided the material and financial resources for it.

When investigating the organization of the club for its performance, it is assumed that there are general regulations to form a club, the criteria of the country's Sports Ministry must be taken into account, as well as the provisions of the National Olympic Committee. All of them are governed by the International Olympic Committee and hence the recognition of Sri Lanka in different international sports.

Regarding the structural organization of the club, in a practical way and to guarantee its operation, it has a director with a double function: administrative and financial. The fundamental objective of the club is to contribute to the systematic practice of this sporting activity in the country and provide athletes and coaches with a space supported by flexible jobs that they can combine with their training time, economic incentives, school scholarships, etc.

The main club has 12 associated branches that have the necessary resources (material and financial) for the development of the corresponding activities. It has a specialized technical force, made up of 30 national coaches and a Cuban coach who provides collaboration and advisory services. Its results include participation in national, regional (South Asia), world championships and participation in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. However, no medals have been obtained in any of these competitions.

But when the club was organized, not all the elements for its structure were assumed and there was no staff prepared to assume the tasks, which is why work areas or groups were needed, such as the sports training group, the health care group for athletes and staff, the economic group and the activity management and promotion group, with a general director. But this structure is impractical and needs to be perfected, in accordance with the current management criteria for a club.

Related to the viability of the current structure and the problems it faces, it is considered that the structure that has been explained above is not viable, since the conditions have changed, the national and international demands have changed, and the group that directs the activity is not suitable enough. Among the existing problems are that the organization and planning of the tasks and activities and the operation of the club have become very complex, since the functions of each component of the structure have not been defined. There are areas such as relations with educational institutions that are not needed and a large amount of talent is lost.

In general, the structure of the club has fallen far behind, with respect to what it wants and aspires to; however, there are commissioned research that work on elements such as the reorganization of human resources and the improvement of sports training by age (children, adolescents and young people).

The obtained results were triangulated, based on the methods applied and are confirmed as regularities:

  • There is a structure with its corresponding organizational chart, but the responsibilities of each one and the management that corresponds to it are not specified.

  • The internal analysis by managers is not very critical, a situation that makes it difficult to promote change within the organization in search of its general improvement.

  • The diagnosis shows the relevance of the scientific problem studied and it was shown that the treatment related to the organizational structure of the club is insufficient, which is specified in the analysis of the documents considered, and said documentation refers to more training situations, competition commitments that are organized at a local or national level, as well as recruiting new athletes for the club.

  • The need to modify the current structure of the MAS Holding Boxing Club of Sri Lanka and project a strategic planning consistent with the need to achieve a position in this sport from the national and regional levels (Asia Pacific) is confirmed.

To solve the problem, a structural design is carried out for the MAS Holding Boxing Club, in Sri Lanka, which relates the characteristics of the tasks it carries out and the actors with whom the organization interacts, taking into account the particularities of sport today.

Boxing clubs are classified as sports organizations, with the purpose of promoting and developing sports. They are entities that provide sports activities (Gómez and Opazo, 2006) and their main task is to offer recreational or physical activity programs. competitive, of a sport, in this case, boxing.

The boxing club also aspires to form top-level teams present in national and international competitions. This element is important to define the main work areas that the organization must develop.

In the literature consulted, the types of organizational structures are analyzed, for the case at hand, the functional line structure is assumed, based on the corporate purpose of Club Mas Holding, aimed at the training of athletes with a high level of preparation in boxing and massify this type of sporting activity, in the context of Sri Lanka. As a result, the organizational sections are specified as follows (Figure 3):

Fig. 3.  - Directions and their interrelation. Structure for the MAS Holding Boxing Club of Sri Lanka and the Environmental Dimension 

It is considered pertinent that the shared values for the organization are directly related to the responsibilities established by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for any sports organization, as support for the organizational structure that was conceived for the Mas Holding Boxing Club, they respond to the individual responsibility of athletes, coaches and managers, of the public and collective responsibilities.

In modeling the club's structure, variables related to its particularities that refer to the degree of complexity of the organization and the size and degree of professionalization and commercialization are taken into account. Based on the four directions in which the club's work is divided, the base scheme is proposed (Figure 4).

Fig. 4.  - Components of the overall organizational structure for the MAS Holding Boxing Club of Sri Lanka 

The result of this modeling is submitted to the criteria of the users, who generally highlight:

  • Higher levels of integration at the internal and external level, taking into consideration the benefits that the country's Constitution provides for the development of sporting activity in general, as well as the projection of incorporation of people from different ethnic groups.

  • Strengthening teamwork for the development of this activity, and encouraging knowledge of the subject.

  • Establishment of strategic alliances with surrounding entities, this refers to school institutions, associations of the different ethnic groups existing in the country, as well as other social institutions.

  • Greater commitment and responsibility of managers and athletes, with the fulfillment of the set goals.

  • Encourage the predominance of the strategic over the operational, negotiate any type of objective that can be integrated into the work of the organization.

  • The specialists consulted, when analyzing the proposal, consider that the structure is viable, since for 65 % (13) it is quite adequate, while the remaining 35 % (7) consider it to be adequate.

  • In relation to feasibility, 75 % (15) of those surveyed evaluate that it is quite adequate and the other 25 % (5) evaluate it as adequate.

  • Regarding the potential to be implemented, 70 % (14) of the specialists consider it quite adequate and the remaining 30 % (6) as adequate.


During the research process, it has been confirmed that the aforementioned topic is worked on mainly in the business context or productive entities, and given that organizational structures turn out to be stable over time, the bibliography on the matter is not very extensive. It is confirmed that the works carried out on the subject systematically reference classic authors such as Chiavenato (2004, 2007, 2017), Minztberg (1991, 1995), Robbins (2009). In addition, the topic is treated very synthetically through analysis of human resources, quality management, training, organizational behavior and others.

Ropa & Alama (2022) carry out a study, based on the management function of organizations, considered one of the most complex processes within the functioning of the organization. These authors specify the different approaches to management, closely related to the development phases of the conceptions of organizational design, they highlight that organizations are open and interrelated systems that are part of a larger society and they consider that, from the systemic approach, the Organization is a unit structured by interrelated elements or parts, where the parts contribute a dynamic to the whole as the sum of the parts.

Meanwhile, Sánchez (2019) considers that the organization and operation of a sports club is not as clear and simple as can be anticipated a priori, since everything depends on the objectives, interests and sponsorship. This author analyzes the aspects to take into account in a sports club from the board of directors, the coaching staff and the players to the most specific aspects of training and competition. This alone will not achieve success in the competition, but there are various points or fields to be addressed that are of great importance to facilitate this achievement. The functions that each member of the technical staff has are added, as well as the different management departments of the club. At the same time, he considers that there are aspects such as professionalism in the different areas of the club, interdisciplinary and collaborative work, as well as a good work environment, which are essential to take into account to achieve excellence.

For Ramírez et al. (2023), organizations are structurally inserted into development models in order to adapt to new management methodologies that support the search for optimization, reduce bureaucracy and pyramidal structure, which reduces decision-making times, and Brume (2019) considers that organizational structure is a system used to define a hierarchy within an organization. It identifies each position, its function and where it reports within the organization; this structure is developed to establish how an organization operates and help achieve goals to enable future growth.


The theoretical treatment of the organizational structure allowed to reveal the basic functions to be considered: they must produce results and achieve organizational objectives, they are designed to at least regulate or minimize the influence of individual differences on the organization and the flow of information that is required to take the best option and to a large extent, is determined by the structure, in which the activities of the organizations are carried out.

The starting point was the conception of theoretical modeling to organize and specify the structure model for the MAS Holding Boxing Club, the particularities that are legally established in Sri Lanka were taken into account and the organizational structure was developed, by levels, through of the departments, with their corresponding functions. This turned out to be viable, as the results of a previous investigation carried out by the author on the organization of human resources (Master's Degree/ 2016) in the MAS Holding Boxing Club were applied, as a basic sports organization.

With the development and foundation of the organizational structure, it was contributed to the improvement of this type of basic sports organization, the MAS Holdintg Boxing Club, in Sri Lanka, in a way that favored the proactive development of this organization.


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Received: November 08, 2023; Accepted: March 13, 2024

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