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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


HERRERA PRAT, Mario Ignacio; GARCIA DE LA FIGAL COSTALES, Armando Eloy; DE LAS CUEVAS MILAN, Héctor  y  MARTINS TEIXEIRA, Mauri. Evaluation by means of Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of the current of air of the field crop sprayer ASS 800. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2014, vol.23, n.2, pp. 5-10. ISSN 2071-0054.

Agricultural sprayers produce pollution, mainly due to lack of knowledge about their regulation, what is still a problem, mostly in those using air streams to transfer the product to the tree. The airflow produced by the sprayer’s fan is subject to air movement in the atmosphere and the translational speed of the equipment during the implementation. These factors affect the scope of the air stream and the treatment efficiency after failing to cover uniformly in the tree. The study of the airflow through Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) allows the assessment of the stream’s scope to different working arrangements and to obtain the necessary information for proper regulation of sprayers in the work process. In this case, the software ANSYS 5.3 is used for modeling, since it is helpful to solve problems about fluids and heat transfer using Navier -Stokes’ equations. In this research, the airflow’s aerodynamics is evaluated in different work arrangements in integral sprayer ASS800 TYME; it has an axial fan with radial output and it is used to control pests on fruits.

Palabras clave : environmental contamination; regulation of agricultural sprayers; pest control in fruit.

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