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vol.14 número1La contextualización sociocultural de la formación humanista en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación Marxismo Leninismo e HistoriaModelo de gestión del acompañamiento pedagógico para maestro de primaria índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2955


Vocational guidance and professional education: A formative project. trf [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.1, pp. 33-43. ISSN 2077-2955.

A comprehensive education attempts to foster students to be industrious, responsible, friendly, independent, innovative, sensible, and determined. This paper aims at describing a formative project devised at Enrique Jose Varona Senior High School in Holguín City. The project engaged the students in creating El Varona dice newspaper, stimulating social research activity, reporting and preparing articles as means of developing vocational aptitudes towards journalism, history, social and educational sciences. After constructing the corresponding framework critical workshops, individual and group interviews were used as methods of inquiring. The main finding was a formative project that leads to designing and publishing a college newspaper. The students' newspaper brought a change of attitudes on the part of the students in relation to labor activity, self-education and value education, as well as its extension to other senior high schools.

Palabras clave : vocational guidance; vocational aptitude; vocational education; values education.

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