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vol.19 número1Modelo didáctico de formación en la competencia crítica historiográfica para la disciplina Historia de CubaLa competencia intercultural-interlingüística en la formación del traductor índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2955


ORTIZ BOSCH, Maikel José; ALEJANDRE JIMENEZ, Susel Noemí  y  IZAGUIRRE REMON, Rafael Claudio. Contribution to the epistemological analysis of the logical historical method in educational research. trf [online]. 2023, vol.19, n.1, pp. 159-177.  Epub 01-Ene-2023. ISSN 2077-2955.


This paper aims at constructing a theoretical framework about the logical historical method and its application, emphasizing on the periodization criterion and the identification of characteristic features, regularities and trends, as proper procedures of this theoretical method.


The authors rely on the analysis and criticism of sources from a dialectical-materialist approach that integrates, as procedures, the methods of logical thought: induction-deduction, analysis-synthesis and transition from the abstract to the concrete. Similarly, the hermeneutical-dialectical method and the triangulation of sources, methods and theories were used as a methodological procedure.


A systematization of the logical historical method in educational research is carried out, from the epistemological referent of the materialist dialectic, taking into account the criteria of several authors who have ventured into the subject under analysis and the scientific positioning of the researchers, with emphasis on the criterion of periodization and the determination of characteristics, regularities and trends.


It is concluded that this method, as an epistemological operator, contributes important constructs to the scientific research process, since it allows us to penetrate into the essence of the object-field and reveal its characteristics, features, regularities or tendencies, according to the specificities of its concretion; as well as, the epistemological gaps that legitimize and justify the process of inquiry into reality.

Palabras clave : Research methodology; qualitative research; research reviews; educational development trends; research criteria.

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