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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


PEREZ ESPINOZA, María José; UZCATEGUI SANCHEZ, Carolina  y  BRITO BRAVO, Brian Bolívar. The challenge for the family businesses for the XXI century: organizational practices focus in the sustainable development. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.2, pp. 187-194.  Epub 03-Feb-2018. ISSN 2218-3620.

The family businesses in Ecuador have a big importance due to their presence in the business group of the country, this makes them organizations that should respond quickly to the changes that are in the environment as well as in the requirements that clients demand, aspects as the responsible use of paper, eco-friendly production, recycling, organic production, and some others, are business practices that have a lot of importance nowadays, that´s why the objective of the present investigation is to realize a diagnosis about the actual situation that family businesses life in sustainable development area, also to analyze the dimensions that the sustainability has in the family business perspective and the future projection in plans, projects and specially how the generational transitions life each stage together with the company activities. For the realization of the present investigation was used a method of descriptive type that consists to detail deeply the general thematic and the subtopics that are considered in the investigation. Finally the investigation concludes that family businesses are in a transcendental stage to take advantage of the opportunities that the market offers and in that way to focus their business activities to the sustainable development, for sure with the optimal politics from the government and the development vision of the business families.

Palabras clave : Family business; sustainable development; renewable resource; innovation; business model.

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