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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


NADAL MASEGOSA, Antonio. Didactic assessment: flipped classroom in history of schooling. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2023, vol.15, n.1  Epub 27-Feb-2023. ISSN 2218-3620.

The Flipped Classroom has taken a leading role within the relevance given to active methodologies both in high-impact journals and in university training related to education, and also in the master's degrees in teacher training is a recurring theme. In the current research, an experience lived in the subject of History of Schooling, immersed within the Double Degree of Primary Education and English Studies, of the University of Malaga, is narrated. Attending to the state of the art in the first place, fundamental objectives are established, following the methodology not only of the inverted classroom, but also of a training course for Teaching and Research Staff, to execute an evaluation that is really didactic of the previous facts, during the development, and after the Flipped Classroom, with really promising results, in the case assessed. The didactic assessment of the Flipped Classroom in the teaching of history of schooling is the main objective of this paper.

Palabras clave : Education; Teaching; Assessment; Flipped Classroom; History of education; Active methodologies; University.

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