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Revista CENIC Ciencias Químicas

versión On-line ISSN 2221-2442


SZTEJNBERG, Aleksander. Victor von richter (1841-1891) - the famous russian - german chemist, author of excellent academic textbooks on chemistry. Rev. CENIC Cienc. Quím. [online]. 2020, vol.51, n.2, pp. 298-316.  Epub 16-Jul-2020. ISSN 2221-2442.

Victor von Richter (1841-1891) was one of the important chemists of the second half of the 19th century. The purpose of this paper is to familiarize readers with the important events in the life of Richter and his writing activities, in particular with his chemistry textbooks for higher education, well-known in different countries. In addition, his research activities is briefly described, and especially the chemical reactions named after him.

Palabras clave : V. v. Richter; Organic chemistry; von Richter reactions; Richter's textbooks on chemistry; Russia & Germany - XIX century.

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