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Ciencia y Deporte

versión On-line ISSN 2223-1773


LOPEZ MURSULIZ, Abdel; PENA PENA, Yaimara  y  GOVEA MACIAS, Carlos Alberto. Indicators to Evaluate Technical Offensive Elements of 3x3 11-12-Year-Old Basketball Athletes. Ciencia y Deporte [online]. 2022, vol.7, n.2, pp. 142-156.  Epub 11-Ago-2022. ISSN 2223-1773.


Basketball today needs parameters for the assessment of technical offensive elements.


To suggest parameters for the assessment of technical offensive elements of 3x3 basketball athletes in the e11-12-year-old category, in Camagüey.

Materials and methods:

The research methods used were theoretical, empirical, and statistical, which demonstrated the current shortcomings of the assessment process. The parameters were designed according to the practice, from previous experiences, showing a close interrelation to the variables and dimensions, whose universal attributes are objectivity, a systemic character, flexibility, and adaptability, and they are feasible, viable, and valid solutions.


The findings of this research coincide with previous studies done by other authors, who suggest multiple assessment variables that condition player tasks and learning one way or another, using a substantial set of pedagogical and organizational variables


The surveyed professionals said that the parameters suggested are a feasible, viable, and valid solutions for the development of technical offensive elements in 3X3 basketball athletes in the 11-12-year-old category, since the introduction of assessment that is based on a system’s approach, integrate into the variables used for assessment, the dimensions suggested, and the way of controlling and assessing.

Palabras clave : Assessment; technical offensive elements; 3x3 basketball..

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