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vol.27 número2Códigos QR y sus aplicaciones en las ciencias de la salud índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud

versión On-line ISSN 2307-2113


FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ, Maikel Manuel; DOMINGUEZ CRUZ, Luis  y  ABREU BARTOMEO, Yanedi. Limitations in the distribution of contents among Latin American and Caribbean open access repositories. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [online]. 2016, vol.27, n.2, pp. 249-265. ISSN 2307-2113.

A review was conducted of 58 open access sources from 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries, with the purpose of identifying problems related to the standardization of the OAI-PMH protocol in Latin American and Caribbean open access repositories, as well as the way in which these problems affect the distribution of contents. The study was aimed at identifying the limitations affecting the exchange of contents between Latin American and Caribbean open access sources through the study of institutional repositories and scientific journals which perform the function of data providers. The sources selected were scientific journals and university repositories. The study was based on the software OHS (Open Harvester System) and considered aspects such as the technology used, metadata standards and the manner in which information was represented, besides the verbs established by the OAI-PMH protocol. The functioning of some open access repositories was observed and tests were conducted of their response to the requests of verbs. Results show diversity both in the technology and in the way standards are applied, as well as some of the problems faced by the open access movement in the study area and their impact on the interoperability required to automate the exchange of contents.

Palabras clave : repositories; communications protocols; metadata standards; OAI-PMH; data providers; open access.

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