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vol.9 número2Usar asistentes matemáticos: habilidad esencial en la disciplina Matemática para la formación ingeniera contemporáneaEvolución de la capacitación docente para la práctica pedagógica con enfoque prospectivo en las Escuelas del Partido índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Referencia Pedagógica

versión On-line ISSN 2308-3042


LOPEZ RUBIRA, Leandro; OCONNOR MONTERO, Lierli  y  ARCIA RIVERO, Isora María. Integrative problems in the training of the engineers in metallurgy and materials. RP [online]. 2021, vol.9, n.2, pp. 204-219.  Epub 05-Ene-2022. ISSN 2308-3042.

During the training of engineers, it is essential to develop their skills to solve problems applying their knowledge of Mathematics, Physics and engineering sciences. To formulate problems is a permanent necessity for learning. This article is aimed at offering a didactic alternative for the development of the teaching-learning process of engineers to generate the systematization of content and the development of skills to solve problems. As a result, two problems and their solutions are obtained; a laboratory alternative associated to the solution of the second problem is presented, with an experimental component and one using an Excel sheet, in which the experiment is simulated; all results in the training of the engineer in metallurgy and materials are used.

Palabras clave : problems; teaching; engineering.

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