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vol.10 número3Dinámica de crecimiento de especies forestales en el bosque andino del Parque Universitario "Francisco Vivar Castro", Loja, EcuadorUsos tradicionales del fuego en las actividades agrícolas de la parroquia Convento, cantón Chone, Manabí, Ecuador índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales

versión On-line ISSN 2310-3469


ESTEVEZ VALDES, Ignacio; RODRIGUEZ CRESPO, Greicy de la Caridad  y  DOMINGUEZ JUNCO, Osvaldo. A look at production by processes, key to sustainable forest management. Rev CFORES [online]. 2022, vol.10, n.3, pp. 307-318.  Epub 03-Sep-2022. ISSN 2310-3469.

In any production process, if it is to be sustainable, the available natural, material and human resources must be used appropriately. The logistics of usage determines the effectiveness of the process and the achievement of the desired results. The objective of this study is to analyze the management of forestry production in terms of the productive chain, since its beginning in plantations or natural forests, to the marketing and business processes of forestry companies, going through different logistically structured and planned processes, related to the efficiency of sustainable forest management. In order to do so, theoretical methods of bibliographic search of the subject were used, supported by the productive chain model of a company in terms of value and results of research carried out. An alternative for management is presented, which can be applied in any forestry company.

Palabras clave : Forest management and production by processes; Productive chain; Plantations; Natural forests..

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