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Revista Cubana de Meteorología

versión On-line ISSN 2664-0880


VILLALOBOS, Elver E. et al. Study of convective storms in the Peruvian central Andes using PR-TRMM and KuPR-GPM radars. Rev. Cubana Met. [online]. 2019, vol.25, n.1  Epub 01-Mar-2019. ISSN 2664-0880.

Convective precipitations associated with storms frequently occur in the Central Andes of Peru. To study these events, statistical estimators of three-dimensional reflectivity, rainfall intensity and microphysical parameters were determined using radar information onboard in the TRMM satellites and the GPM core. As a result, it was found that deeper cloud systems occur in the Andes regions than in the Amazon-Andes transition region. Thus, the difference of the vertical average of reflectivity is around 5 dBZ between both regions. The diurnal rainfall cycle is also different, since it rains preferably at the intervals of 13-23 LST and 18-06 LST respectively. The percentages of occurrence of convective and stratiform precipitation in the areas of the Andes are 30% and 70% respectively and their cumulative contributions to rainfall are 63.3% and 36.7% respectively; however, in the Amazon-Andes transition region, the percentages of occurrence are 31% and 69% and their cumulative contributions to rain are equivalent. It is concluded that convective precipitation in the Andes areas is intensified by the orographic forcing mechanism, which strengthens the growth of hydrometeors above the height of the freezing level between 6 and 12 km of height and leads to greater cumulative rainfall.

Palabras clave : Reflectivity; precipitation radar; convective rain and stratiform rain.

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