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Acta Médica del Centro

versión On-line ISSN 2709-7927


ORES VIEGO, José Andrés; RUIZ HERNANDEZ, José Ramón  y  GOMEZ VERA, Ivis. A necessary commemoration. Acta méd centro [online]. 2022, vol.16, n.2, pp. 392-395.  Epub 30-Jun-2022. ISSN 2709-7927.


on July 31, 2020, it was sixty years since the inauguration, by the then Minister of Public Health of Cuba, Dr. José Ramón Machado Ventura, of the Provincial Pediatric Hospital “José Luis Miranda”.


to summarize aspects related to the history of the hospital.


a bibliographic review was carried out including articles published in local media, original documents from the hospital and personal interviews.


the hospital started with only 120 beds and 28 doctors and its first director was Dr. Carlos Martínez Reyes, an outstanding revolutionary doctor and combatant of the 26th of July Movement. In the following years it gradually increased its services and assistance tasks.


it is necessary to increase the interrelation between the institution and the community organizations and to prosper in the adequate treatment of admitted children and their relatives. The younger ones are nurtured by the experience accumulated by those with more years of work, but all with the same goal: to maintain the emblem of Cuban Pediatrics: “nothing is more important than a child”.

Palabras clave : pediatric hospital; history; trajectory.

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