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Economía y Desarrollo

versión On-line ISSN 0252-8584


ROJAS, Liosvany Pérez  y  BALY GIL, Eugenia. Critical Analysis of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (Mipymes) from the Perspective of Marxist Leninist Political Economy. Econ. y Desarrollo [online]. 2022, vol.166, n.2  Epub 15-Dic-2022. ISSN 0252-8584.

In the context of the complex period of transition, Cuban society is inmersed in a process of transformation. This includes the proposal that economic entities based on the types of property: small private property and small and medium capitalist private property, (called in the international literatura as Mipymes), contitute an efficient and harmonious complement to the socialist state enterprise. In this task, the challenge is to make socialist social property dominant, while respecting the need for the existence of other types of property. In addition, defining theoretical aspects around these problems can contribute to reach the set objectives in a practical way. An important aspect to clarify is the conceptualization of the Mipymes with a critical vision, coming from the perspective of Marxist Leninist Political Economy.

Palabras clave : Marxist Leninist Political Economy; small private property; small and medium capitalist private property.

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