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vol.40 número1Consumo de alcohol en población trabajadora española y repercusiones metabólicasFactores relacionados con la falta de lectura de carteles que difunden prueba para detectar VIH en gestantes índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versión impresa ISSN 0864-3466


CASTANO PEREZ, Guillermo Alonso; GARCIA DEL CASTILLO, José Antonio  y  MARZO CAMPOS, Juan Carlos. Alcohol consumption and intervening factors observed in university students. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2014, vol.40, n.1, pp. 47-54. ISSN 0864-3466.

Objective: to present some intervening factors in drinking behavior, risky consumption and alcohol-dependence found in a population group of Medellin city in Colombia. Methods: cross-sectional multi-method study of 538 university students. Several expert-validated instruments were applied and through Rash's method, such as a test to identify alcohol consumption-related disorders, an alcohol expectancy questionnaire, expectancies, a questionnaire of beliefs on alcohol consumption and a questionnaire on rites, social and family traditions. Data were collected from March to June 2010. For the correlation analysis among the qualitative variables, Chi-square test of independence, Fisher's exact test and Z test were used to compare proportions. The value used was p £ 0.05. Results: out of the total number of students who were interviewed, 82.3 % had taken alcohol at some time of their lifetime, 66 % had no problems with alcohol consumption, 21.6 % showed harmful consumption and 12.5 were already alcohol-dependent, according to the test of identification of alcohol consumption-related disorders. Conclusions: expectancies, beliefs, advertising, family and social customs have favorable association with the alcohol consumption in university students in Medellin, Colombia.

Palabras clave : alcohol consumption; expectancies; beliefs; advertising; family and social customs.

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