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vol.12 número1El reto de gestionar el conocimiento en la educación superior orientado al desempeño profesionalModelo para la jerarquización y selección de proyectos de iniciativas municipales de desarrollo local índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Retos de la Dirección

versión On-line ISSN 2306-9155


GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ, Oscar  y  RAMOS DE LAS HERAS, Aurora. Determination of Strategic Goals Based on Development Factors at a Municipal-Scale: A Case Study. Rev retos [online]. 2018, vol.12, n.1, pp. 140-158. ISSN 2306-9155.

A procedure implementation helped determine strategic goals based on identification of structural and functional factors of development, and the analysis of their relationships. It is a valuable design tool for development strategies, and it encourages local government management in a decentralized environment. A theoretical generalization of strategic goals and development factors is presented. Said goals were determined using their respective criteria, based on determining factors. The main contribution of this paper is the theoretical synthesis of the relationships among strategic goals and development factors within the municipality. Analysis of said relationship led to the assumption that the more direct it is, the greater the capacity for local structural transformation. This procedure integrated structural analysis and the economic features of a municipality to identify development factors. Structural analysis was used for thorough evaluation of development factors. Likewise, the results from the validation of the procedure in the municipality of Jobabo, province of Tunas, Cuba, are herein submitted. It was concluded that the procedure applied provided greater pertinence of the local development strategy.

Palabras clave : planning; local development; strategic development; development factors.

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