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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud

versión On-line ISSN 2307-2113


MEDINA GONZALEZ, Viena  y  ALMANSA MARTINEZ, Ana. Knowledge communication about local development via university digital platforms. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [online]. 2021, vol.32, n.4  Epub 01-Feb-2022. ISSN 2307-2113.

The purpose of the study was to become acquainted with the ways in which knowledge about local development projects and actions generated at universities is communicated on their digital platforms. The theoretical aspects addressed include communication, knowledge management, university, social responsibility and local development. The methods and techniques used were case study, content analysis, and theoretical and document review. The study sample was based on platforms from the University of Málaga, Spain, and the University of Havana, Cuba. The diagnosis conducted was derived from a comparative analysis of similarities and differences between the two universities. The study showed, on the one hand, the interest of both institutions in taking part in local development projects and actions, and disseminate information in that respect, and on the other hand, their differences concerning dynamics, amount of content disseminated, forms of diffusion and interaction with users. Conclusions point to an evident connection between the communication process and knowledge management at the universities, particularly during sharing / distribution actions. Confirmation was made of the importance of digital platforms for knowledge communication about local development.

Palabras clave : Communication; knowledge management; university; digital platforms; local development..

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