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versión On-line ISSN 2075-5635


CALDERON MARIN¹, Carlos F et al. Radiation safety analysis of the PET/CT facility by using the risk-matrix method . Nucleus [online]. 2017, n.62, pp. 38-42. ISSN 2075-5635.

The present work shows the results of the safety evaluation of the PET/CT center belonging to the Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology in Havana by using the risk matrix method. A multidisciplinary team (medical physicists, radiochemists, technologists and nuclear physicians) participated in the definition of the list of initiating events. Several stages were considered taking into account the design of the facility, the use of nuclear instrumentation, radiopharmacy, review of the relevance of study requests, radiopharmaceutical reception and dose fractioning, http://img/revistas/nuc/n62/e01086217.jpg-radiopharmaceuticalsproduction, as well as the management of patient during the administration of radiopharmaceuticals and patient positioning and the declassification of radioactive waste. In addition, initiating events related to X-ray tomography (CT) scans for diagnosis were included. Accident risks were evaluated in Patients, Public and Occupationally Exposed Workers (TOEs). Because most of the initiating events originate from human errors (89.5 %), staff training is strongly recommended prior to inclusion in the work team, as well as the implementation of quality management programs based on ISO standards

Palabras clave : safety analysis; risk assessment; quality assurance; quality control; positron computed tomography; computerized tomography.

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