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Revista Cubana de Farmacia

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7515


PINILLOS MADRID, Juan Fernando  y  GALLARDO CABRERA, Cecilia. Encapsulation of a sunscreen (avobenzone) in liposomes. Rev Cubana Farm [online]. 2011, vol.45, n.3, pp. 331-340. ISSN 0034-7515.

This study was aimed at confirming the optimization of Avobenzone encapsulation in liposomes, and at evaluating whether this is a physical barrier to protect AVO from photodegradation in presence of octylmetoxycinnamate or not. An experimental design served to optimize the processes of encapsulation. The results showed a significant increase in the encapsulation efficiency since optimal relationship between the encapsulating agent and the agent to be encapsulated, as well as adequate interactions among the studied factors were found. The values of encapsulation efficiency were roughly 90.00 % and the particle size obtained was 9.156 mm. The Avobenzone photostability in presence of UVB filter octylmetoxycinnamate improved when being encapsulated in liposomes, with a degradation percentage of 22.07 % against 32.96 % of the non-encapsulated, and the colloidal stabilization of liposomal dispersion improved with the use of 1.00 % Carbopol 940. It can be concluded that the encapsulation of avobenzone in liposomes using isolecitine is highly efficient, and it is confirmed that Avobenzone photodegradation decreases when it is encapsulated, regardless of octylmetoxycinnamate.

Palabras clave : liposomes; experimental designs; colloidal stability; encapsulation efficiency; Avobenzone; sunscreen.

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