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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


JOA MESA, Teresa; RUBAL WONG, Alina  y  DAGER HABER, Amarilis. Influence of the type of nutrition in the clinical course of the newborn operated due to digestive malformations. MEDISAN [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.6, pp. 781-789. ISSN 1029-3019.

The results of a descriptive and cross-sectional study on the early feeding in newborns surgically treated due to digestive malformations are presented. They were assisted in the Neonatology Service of "Dr. Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" Northern Children Hospital of Santiago de Cuba in the five year period 2003-2007. The enteral nutrition caused less number of complications and deaths, it brought about a greater recovery of the body weight and it barely reduced the hemoglobin during the intrahospital stay.

Palabras clave : newborn; congenital malformations; surgery; nutrition; enteral feeding; secondary health care.

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