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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


TRAVIESO RAMOS, Nadina  y  ALMAGUER DELGADO, Alcides. Development of teaching competence in Health Technology: from the practice. MEDISAN [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.6, pp. 807-813. ISSN 1029-3019.

In the new career of Degree in Health Technology, given its high registration, a great number of professionals work as teachers. The need for increasingly competent teachers from the educational point of view has been discussed in two events held in Cuba: First National Congress of Health Technology (2007) and First International Convention of Technology and Health (2009). The article shows the results that, from the practice of training processes, allow to asses the feasibility of the implementation of a methodology for the development of teaching competence in Health Technology. The investigation consisted of an empiric nature exploratory study, which used the participatory action, while the results were valued by means of a triangulation method of evaluators. Methodology for the development of teaching competence in Health Technology may become an alternative for the transformation of teachers' performance and feasible to be implemented in the current conditions of medical education in general and of technologists' education in particular.

Palabras clave : teaching competences; Degree in Health Technology; higher medical education.

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