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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


TAMAYO REUS, Caridad María  y  BASTART ORTIZ, Emma Aurora. New approach on the classification of the acute respiratory infections in children. MEDISAN [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.5, pp. 684-694. ISSN 1029-3019.

Since 2007 the medical literature related to the acute respiratory infections began to be reviewed to elaborate and to propose a new classification of them in children, so that they are updated, to improve the advantages of those existent ones, taking into account the reached experience and the findings of other authors. This new clinical, causal, updated classification was elaborated, keeping in mind the problems related to morbidity, mortality, as well as the quality of the care to patients and its implementation was proposed in the professional pedagogical process of the medical sciences

Palabras clave : child; classification; acute respiratory infection; morbidity; mortality; quality of care; professional pedagogical process; medical sciences.

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