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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3194


CRUZ-QUESADA, Juan Eloy; FERRO-GONZALEZ, Belkis; BAEZ-PEREZ, Olga Lidia  e  PEREZ-ALVAREZ, Hildalina. Methodological strategy for frequent assessment in the teaching-learning process in the discipline of Internal Medicine. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2023, vol.27, n.4  Epub 01-Jul-2023. ISSN 1561-3194.


frequent evaluation as a didactic component of the teaching-learning process during on-the-job education is controversial, due to its social and personal implications, as well as its technical and procedural complexities.


to elaborate a methodological strategy that contributes to the improvement of frequent evaluation in the teaching-learning process during on-the-job education in the third year of the Medicine course at the "León Cuervo Rubio" Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital.


theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods were used to interpret the results. The theoretical evaluation of the proposal was carried out through the application of the expert judgement method, which supports its feasibility to achieve the proposed objective.


the importance of the essential relations of the in the third year of the degree course was confirmed, the strategy achieves correspondence with the current demands for the preparation of the professional and harmonizes the theoretical-methodological essence. Conclusions: the methodological strategy, concretizes actions that propitiate systematic projection, it makes use of the teaching activities of education at work for this and the scientific-didactic knowledge of the participants in the management of the process is improved of the participants in the management of the process. The feasibility of this proposal was shown to be feasible and confirmed as a novel and applicable product to contribute to the methodological improvement at the "León Cuervo Rubio" Surgical Teaching Hospital "León Cuervo Rubio" of Pinar del Río.


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