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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versão On-line ISSN 2071-0054


MAX GONZALEZ, Justo; PEREZ PUPO, Rafael  e  PEREZ GUERRERO, Julio Nolberto. Evaluation of the base cut of the C-4000 harvester machine with knives of three edges . Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.1, pp. 20-30. ISSN 2071-0054.

In sugar cane mechanized harsverting, there are some peculiarity related to soil-machine-plant interaction which has been causing some concern due to raw material left on the field losses and the reduction in sugar cane crop longevity caused by deficiency in cut height control. Improvement in cut quality and raw material of the matter it prevails they are in the bibliography by means of the interventions in the crop and others practice cultural existent and of changes in the design of croppers. Devices have been developed for auxiliary to the operators in the control of the court height keeping in mind the importance of the base cut in the quality and lost of matter it prevails and in the longevity of the reed bed, the objective of this work was to validate the influence of a hydraulic device of control of the height of base court, SHC, in the quality of the base cut and its acting throughout the work day.

Palavras-chave : Mechanization; cane of sugar; hydraulic control.

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