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CARRAZANA SANTOS, Yaimelin et al. Historical traces of COVID-19 in the medical care of the inhabitants of Manicaragua, Cuba. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2023, vol.15  Epub 31-Ago-2023. ISSN 2077-2874.


the COVID-19 pandemic has had a disruptive socioeconomic effect on the world; but it has left traces that constitute lessons learned among the population of many countries.


to describe the historical traces of COVID-19 in the municipality of Manicaragua, Villa Clara, Cuba, as an expression of the reorganization and regionalization of health services that the confrontation with the pandemic demanded.


a quantitative longitudinal descriptive study was carried out on the behavior of COVID-19 in Manicaragua from the beginning of the pandemic, April 2020 to 2022. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic and historical-logical; empirical ones: documentary analysis; and mathematical-statistical: for absolute and relative values.


the impact of COVID-19 was analyzed based on the diagnosed cases and their incidence rates per population in the different health areas. Predominant figures stand out: the town of Manicaragua and the age group from 19 to 64 years as the ones with the highest presence of infected people, the highest source of infection was intra-domiciliary and the United States as the country that contributed the highest number of infected people. Some forms of social indiscipline are argued as causes of epidemiological outbreaks.


COVID-19 left traces that can be considered historical in Manicaragua, since it represented a pause in its social development and a reordering of medical care services. Failure to comply with the protocols and community action against social indiscipline today are considered lessons learned in the face of upcoming epidemiological events.

Palavras-chave : history of medicine; coronavirus infections; community medicine; education, medical.

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