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Revista de Producción Animal

versão On-line ISSN 2224-7920


GOMEZ VILLALVA, Juan Carlos et al. Medium Lethal Dose of Gamma Rays to Induce Mutations in Caribgrass (Eriochloa polystachya Kunth). Rev. prod. anim. [online]. 2020, vol.32, n.1, pp. 73-83.  Epub 12-Abr-2020. ISSN 2224-7920.


Gamma radiation can be used for genetic breeding of plants, and to produce useful mutations. This research was performed in order to determine the medium lethal dose (LD50) of gamma radiation in Caribgrass (Eriochloa polystachya Kunth).


Overall, 8 600 stolons measuring 8 cm long, bearing a node, were cut from mature plants (over six month old), and were radiated with doses of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 Gray of gamma rays Co60. The establishment percentage, plant height, and stolon mortality were evaluated. The data were analyzed by probabilistic linear regression analysis.


According to variable percentage of establishment, LD50 was equal to 52.60 Gy, in the genotype studied, with an R2 of 57.73.


The medium lethal dose to induce mutations of Caribgrass (Eriochloa polystachya Kunth) was achieved with 52.60 Gy.

Palavras-chave : establishment; plant breeding; graminaceae; in vitro; gamma radiation (Source: AIMS).

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