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Revista de Producción Animal

versão On-line ISSN 2224-7920


MAZORRA CALERO, Carlos A et al. Technological and Economic Viability of the Integrated Guava-Leguminosae Production System in the Conditions of Ciego de Ávila. Rev. prod. anim. [online]. 2020, vol.32, n.1, pp. 84-99.  Epub 12-Abr-2020. ISSN 2224-7920.


Several different plant species with a forage potential for ruminant nutrition can be found in fruit ecosystems. Their relevance is that a high variety of foods containing high amounts of secondary metabolites can be consumed. The aim of this research was to characterize the technological and economic viability of growing-fattening ovines integrated to guava tree-leguminosae (Teramnus labialis) systems.


A four-month study was conducted in 1.2 ha of guava under a sprinkling irrigation system, where the leguminosae was established as well. A total of 18 ovines were integrated to the area (growing-fattening Pelibuey), with rotational grazing in three enclosures. Every phytotechnical and zootechnical action performed to the poly-crop and the animals, were monitored. The time utilized in all the phytotechnical and zootechnical labor was estimated, and the costs of salary and energy were calculated. Weight increase of bovines and the guava fruit yields (t. ha-1) were determined. Income, expenses, and profits were calculated.


Irrigation and animal grazing were the most time-consuming activities. The total income was over $10 000.00 per integrated hectare; however, the total profits per hectare were negative ($ -1627 CUP), due to low guava yields during the season, and the costs of salaries and electric power from irrigation, which were partly mitigated by the ovine production with zootechnical profits of $ 1 925.00.


The integrated guava-leguminosae-ovine system demonstrated a technological and economic feasibility to increase sustainability of guava production in Cuba.

Palavras-chave : agriculture; agroecology; animal feed; livestock (Source: DeCS).

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