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Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba

versão On-line ISSN 2304-0106


LOBAINA RODRIGUEZ, Tamara et al. Nanoparticles of clays and ceramics for a fast microbiological diagnosis. Anales de la ACC [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.1  Epub 11-Abr-2022. ISSN 2304-0106.


The aim of the research was to use nanoparticles of clays, calcium phosphate salts and ceramics, combined with fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates to significantly shorten the period of microbiological diagnosis.


Combinations of nutritional bases, co-enzymes, co-factors that accelerate microbial development and metabolism were selected. These components were coupled with nanoparticles and fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates to obtain different nanocomposites. Nanoparticles and nanocomposites were characterized according to their composition, structure and functionality both with isolated strains of microorganisms, and in clinical samples, water, among others.


Nanoparticles and aggregates of halosites, bentonites, siliceous earth, hydroxyapatites, calcium phosphates and zeolites showed high surface / volume ratio, porosity and surface roughness, with particle and pore sizes in the nanometric order. Protein extracts and hydrolysates were combined with a set of salts and co-enzymes that enabled rapid cell multiplication and the synthesis of microbial enzymes detected in just minutes by the degradation of a combination of fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates. The nanoparticles and aggregates were coupled with the other components obtaining different structures that allowed for reducing the incubation time for detection, identification, isolation and counting to a minimum of 10 to 60 min in direct samples. As a conclusion, a rapid diagnosis platform for microorganisms was achieved using nanoparticles and aggregates of clays and ceramics coupled with substrates that reveal enzymatic activity in only minutes.

Palavras-chave : microbiological diagnosis; nanoparticles; clays; ceramics; zeolites.

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