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Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba

versão On-line ISSN 2304-0106


ABREU UGARTE, Jorge Eduardo  e  CRUZ GARCIA, María Antonia. Finlay and Cajal glorias of science in hispanity. Anales de la ACC [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.1  Epub 11-Abr-2022. ISSN 2304-0106.

Two glories of Ibero-American medicine coexisted in a significant period in Hispanic history. One from overseas Spanish territory, the other from the peninsula: Carlos J. Finlay y Barrés and Santiago F. Ramón y Cajal. This work has the objective of highlighting shared values and similarities in two wise men that enhance spanishness. The historiographic method, the synthetic analytic and the bibliographic review were used. They highlight the similarities in ethical, moral, patriotic and humanistic values, as well as in scientific legacy. Both exalted medicine in the hispanic world, at a time when the spanish language was little known in the field of science. Their dedication to research in biomedical sciences is emblematic, they are paradigms for medical professionals. This work promotes interest in the history of science and general culture.

Palavras-chave : Finlay; Cajal; Aedes aegypti; synapse; science.

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