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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud

versão On-line ISSN 2307-2113


RODRIGUEZ PALLERES, Ximena; PINO ASTORGA, Carolina; MUNOZ GUTIERREZ, Camila  e  GALLEGUILLOS JIMENEZ, Bastián. Evaluation of the Satisfaction of Chilean Patients Attended by Telemedicine in Nutritional Consultations. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [online]. 2023, vol.34  Epub 15-Maio-2023. ISSN 2307-2113.

Telemedicine, through the use of Internet videoconferencing platforms, is increasingly widespread in Chile, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions to control the virus. The nutritionist is no stranger to this situation and has had to modify consultations to respond to this new reality. However, there is insufficient information regarding the level of satisfaction of telemedicine users employed by this professional. The objective of the research was to describe the perception of user satisfaction related to nutritional consultations through telemedicine, carried out during the pandemic. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was developed. Sixty-two patients were recruited from Santiago, Chile, who were attended in a nutritional consultation by videoconference. An online questionnaire consisting of six items was designed to determine the acceptability of the nutritional consultation by telemedicine. The role of the nutritionist in the nutritional consultation by videoconference had a degree of satisfaction higher than 70%. 62.9% of the respondents prefer the nutritional consultation to be combined. Only 50% indicated that the zoom videoconferencing platform favors the nutritionist-patient relationship. The telemedicine nutritional consultation makes it possible to monitor the patient's nutritional status without the need to attend in person, which improves access to care. There is a high level of acceptance by patients who have received nutritional care via telemedicine.

Palavras-chave : telemedicine; nutritionist; patient satisfaction; remote consultation; videoconference.

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