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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3046


FONG PANTOJA, Luis  e  GARCES SUAREZ, Milagros. Risk factors related to complications of obstetric hemorrhage. Rev. cuban. med. mil. [online]. 2023, vol.52, n.4  Epub 01-Dez-2023. ISSN 1561-3046.


Obstetric hemorrhage is considered a major cause of maternal mortality. Recognition of women at risk of developing complications during obstetric hemorrhage is the first action to promote optimized treatment and avoid death.


Identify risk factors for complications in patients with obstetric hemorrhage.


Observational, analytical case-control study, with 12 cases (with complications) and 24 controls (without complications). The summary measures were applied for each type of variables and the determination of the risk factors by applying the odds ratio (OR), the SPSS statistical package version 26.0 was used, with a confidence interval (CI) of 95%.


The combination of hypovolemic shock, plus acute renal failure, was the most frequent complication for 13.8%. Uterine atony predominated for 50.0% as the cause of hemorrhage. The predictive variables of complications were: creatinine value ≥ 113 µmol/L (OR= 19.08; CI: 2.75-138.36), international normalized ratio ≥ 2 (OR= 4.66; CI: 1. 46-14.90), hematocrit < 0.23 (OR= 4.00; CI: 1.76-9.08) and hemoglobin < 70 g/L (OR= 2.22; CI: 1.25-3.95).


Creatinine ≥ 113 µmol/L, international normalized ratio ≥ 2, hematocrit < 0.23 and hemoglobin < 70 g/L are the main risk factors identified for the development of complications during obstetric hemorrhage.

Palavras-chave : risk factors; obstetric labor complications, postpartum hemorrhage.

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