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Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3011


FRANCO LACATO, Alex Omar. Physical activity and its relationship with the immune system. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [online]. 2023, vol.42  Epub 30-Maio-2023. ISSN 1561-3011.


Exercise improves many aspects of human health, including, regulating the immune system. Moderate training has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects. By improving immune functions, it reduces the incidence of non-communicable diseases and susceptibility to viral infections.


To describe the effects of physical activity on the innate and adaptive immune system.


The PubMed and Google Scholar databases were used. The terms "physical exercise", "immunity", "macrophage", "neutrophils", "lymphocytes" and "immunoglobulins" were used, according to the Health Sciences descriptor (DeCS). Eighty-six articles were included in the review.


Acute exercise (moderate to vigorous intensity, less than 150 min) is considered an immunostimulant because it enhances the antimicrobicidal activity of macrophages and increases the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, it favors the movement of neutrophils, NK cells, cytotoxic T cells and immature B cells.

Palavras-chave : physical exercise; immunity; macrophage; neutrophils; lymphocytes; immunoglobulins.

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